Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Check out 'Muffin Tin Mom' who is helping raise awareness & funds for Claire!

We are literally waiting outside our homestudy agency as I write this - so it has to be quick - but I wanted to let everyone know about Muffin Tin Mom - an AWESOME blogger and new friend at our church!  She has a great blog about crafting, creative meals, and all things mommy - you should really follow her anyway!

But I really want you to check out her blog post TODAY - she has set up a fundraiser for Claire! Folks can donate $5 to our fund and then provide us with an email address to send a downloadable coloring book drawn by Harry - it is super cute!

We really hope you will check it out and share with friends!  It is a pretty big network and has the potential of really chipping away at that last $10,000 we are short - pretty please check it out & pretty please consider purchasing it for a little one in your life and know that it helps the little one in ours!



  1. Just saw this from muffin tin mom, will be happy to give to help you on your journey. look forward to hearing updates as the newest member of your family comes home!
