Sunday, August 21, 2011

Easy way to add to your adoption fund.....

So it is funny to me that we still get traffic here even though I don't really update much.

I know lots of our readers are Reece's Rainbow families and one of the hardest things (for us anyway) was fundraising.

One thing we found that helped us save money was using (you can even use it to book your travel).  There are thousands of online retailers and they give you a percentage back in cash.  For example - we got 2% back on our plane tickets and also on our hotels the last time we traveled.  We also got cash back when we both on sites like,, and just about everything else.  We don't shop online very much but they send a check every 3 months - ours was usually less than $100 - but it was an easy thing to put into our adoption fund.

I'm pointing it out right now because on my main blog we are hosting a sign up incentive giveaway for - one reader will win $50 cash from - no purchase necessary.

I am not sure if anyone is interested - but you can CLICK HERE to enter.  You will need to sign up for Ebates (which you should anyway) and for my blog San Diego Deals and Steals (which often features national freebies too - so it isn't a bad newsletter to get either) - no worries if you aren't interested, but I just think Ebates is a 'no brainer' when you are fundraising =)


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